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"Fiddler's Green is a place I here tell where the sailor men go                             if they don't go to hell."

As sailor of over 25 years in the USCG my shop is Fiddler's Green to me and there is no place                                    that I would rather be, except perhaps at sea.


     I grew up always enjoying the look and feel of old furniture. As I got older I started to notice how each piece was made differently but always as complex.  I started my journey as basic as can be, shop class in a NY public school where I never really learned anything.  It has been years of trial and error teaching myself along the way.

   I have taught myself to do things the old fashion way.  Anybody can nail or screw a couple of boards together and call it furniture; that is where I started. The act of spending time with the piece in your hands and going slow teaches you control and patience. The Masters of old would spend months working tirelessly on one piece and their workmanship always showed.

    I never work from published plans nor do I create them.  Every piece I make is unique because it starts from and idea and it creates itself.  I always have a general idea in mind which I sketch out, but somehow the wood and the project take control.  I always want to keep the final product for myself because it is not just something I make, it is a little part of me.

                   MG,  a.k.a. Fiddler


   "A craftsman is someone who makes something well just for the sake of making it well, regardless of the medium. "

                                        Peter Korn


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